Tuesday, July 19, 2011

...it's been a Minute

So I'll give you a quick up to date on whats been going down in Rooster town over the last year that ive been M.I.A. from this blog.

I have officially started Juan Balandran Studios. You can check out www.JuanBalandran.com or www.JuanBalandranFineArt.com. please tell me in what ways I can improve these two site. What Ive been doing with Juan Balandran Studios is Fine art fairs. This past may I was a part of the beverly hills affair at the gardens art fair. It was a good show, sold a bronze and got second place in the Sculptors category. Although I did fall short of my initial investment I did appreciate being recognized in such a respected show. I was also a part of the 1st annual Napa valley art and music festival over the 4th of july weekend. That show put me in a deep hole and I prefer not to talk about it.
Ive got a few new bronzes since we last spoke and over the course of the next few weeks I will be posting photos and stories.

Here are a few drawings that I made over the past year. Hope you dig.


Jose Luis De Juan said...

Those are really nice drawings Juan. Keep them in an album or portfolio. I find old doodles and drawings keep me motivated and show progress better than anything.

Jose Luis De Juan said...

...and regarding the deep hole, don't worry. You'll fill it. Your audience will find you.Just keep putting yourself out there.